A passageira Liew Siaw, de 31 anos, entrou em trabalho de parto na quarta-feira, durante um voo entre Penang e Kuching, na Malásia.
Os pilotos tiveram de de fazer um desvio de emergência para a capital da Malásia, Kuala Lumpur, mas o bebê acabou nascendo antes do pouso. Um médico que estava a bordo fez o parto, auxiliado pelos comissários de bordo.
O bebê veio à luz quando o avião se aproximava de Kuala Lumpur a 2.000 pés de altura, segundo a empresa. Depois do pouso, mãe e filho foram levados a um hospital próximo.
"Para comemorar essa ocasião feliz, decidimos presentear tanto a mãe como o filho com voos grátis pela vida toda", disse o diretor de operações da empresa, Moses Devanayagam, depois de visitá-los no hospital.
An baby was born unexpectedly on board a plane this week AirAsia will win free tickets for life, and his mother, the company said on Friday (23).
The passenger Liew Siaw, 31, went into labor on Wednesday, during a flight between Penang and Kuching, Malaysia.
The pilots had to make an emergency diversion to the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, but the baby born just before landing. A doctor who was on board attended the birth, aided by the stewards.
The baby came to light when the plane approached from Kuala Lumpur to 2,000 feet high, the company said. After landing, the mother and son were taken to a nearby hospital.
To commemorate this joyous occasion, we decided to present both the mother and the child with free flights for life, "said chief operating officer of the company, Moses Devanayagam after visiting them in hospital.
The passenger Liew Siaw, 31, went into labor on Wednesday, during a flight between Penang and Kuching, Malaysia.
The pilots had to make an emergency diversion to the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, but the baby born just before landing. A doctor who was on board attended the birth, aided by the stewards.
The baby came to light when the plane approached from Kuala Lumpur to 2,000 feet high, the company said. After landing, the mother and son were taken to a nearby hospital.
To commemorate this joyous occasion, we decided to present both the mother and the child with free flights for life, "said chief operating officer of the company, Moses Devanayagam after visiting them in hospital.