A polícia de Nova York disse ter recebido diversas ligações na noite de terça-feira (20) de pessoas reportando o caso. Segundo a publicação britânica “Daily Mail”, o policial Steven Nitrelli afirmou que chegou a receber ligações de Israel, onde o site está hospedado.
A polícia conseguiu rastrear o endereço IP do computador e chegou até uma casa em Clarence, no subúrbio de Buffalo (Nova York). Steven Nitrelli afirmou que o adolescente insistiu se tratar de uma brincadeira.
O jovem, que não teve idade e nome divulgados, responderá na Justiça por reportar um incidente falso. A audiência está marcada para dia 29 de outubro.
A teenager will respond in U.S. courts for the simulation of a suicide that was published on the Internet, on a site with images displayed in real time. To make the scenes more real, the couple came to use ketchup on his arms, as if they had been cut.
The New York police said they received several calls late on Tuesday (20) of people reporting the case. According to the British publication the Daily Mail, the police Nitrelli Steven said he had received calls from Israel, where the site is hosted.
The police managed to trace the IP address of the computer and came to a house in Clarence, a suburb of Buffalo (New York). Steven Nitrelli said the teenager insisted it was a joke.
The couple, who had disclosed the name and age, will respond in court for reporting a false incident. The hearing is scheduled for Oct. 29.