A alta da moeda norte-americana vem após ser anunciada pelo ministro Guido Mantega, nesta segunda (19), a taxação dos recursos de estrangeiros que entraram no Brasil para aplicações no mercado financeiro.
No exterior, as principais bolsas de valores caíam, influenciadas por números piores do que o esperado no setor imobiliário dos Estados Unidos. O dólar se valorizava ante uma cesta com as principais moedas.
"Como lá fora está negativo, ajuda a maximizar essa variação", disse Mario Battistel, gerente de câmbio da Fair Corretora.
The dollar ended on Tuesday (20) at R $ 1.745, after rising 1.86% on a day of nervousness in the market, the Bovespa has fallen almost 3%.
The discharge from the U.S. currency after it has been announced by Finance minister Guido on Monday (19), taxing the resources of foreigners who came to Brazil for financial investments.
Outside, the main stock markets fell, influenced by numbers worse than expected in the real estate in the United States. The dollar has gained value against a basket of major currencies.
"As out there is not, helps to maximize the variation," said Mario Battistel, forex manager at the Fair brokerage.
Mantega said Monday the taxation of foreign capital in equity and fixed income through financial transactions tax (IOF), with a rate of 2%.