Mulher chora nesta segunda-feira (19) em El Durazno, próximo a Tegucigalpa, durante o funeral do sindicalista Jairo Sánchez, morto no sábado em hospital de Tegucigalpa.
Ele havia sido ferido com um tiro no rosto durante manifestação em 22 de setembro. Os aliados do presidente deposto de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, atribuem o crime à polícia, mas as autoridades negam a autoria.
O impasse nas negociações para encerrar a crise política no país centro-americano continuaram nesta segunda.
Women crying on Monday (19) in El Durazno, near Tegucigalpa, during the funeral of union Jairo Sanchez, who died Saturday in hospital in Tegucigalpa.
He had been wounded with a shot in the face during a demonstration on September 22. The allies of the deposed president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, attributed the crime to the police, but the authorities deny authorship.
The impasse in negotiations to end the political crisis in the Central American country continued Monday.
He had been wounded with a shot in the face during a demonstration on September 22. The allies of the deposed president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, attributed the crime to the police, but the authorities deny authorship.
The impasse in negotiations to end the political crisis in the Central American country continued Monday.