- Ela ficou chateada por não estar no Brasil e me ver ganhando o título, mas entendeu. Agora eu disse: “Por favor, você pode se livrar do trabalho, quero te ver agora.” Mas não dá, ela está trabalhando. Vou vê-la na sexta, mal posso esperar – afirmou Button ao jornal inglês “The Sun”.
O casal tem se comunicado pelo Twitter. Jessica, que completa 25 anos nesta terça, deu os parabéns ao namorado:
- É o melhor presente de aniversário que já ganhei. Eu te amo – escreveu a modelo.
Celebrate the title with his girlfriend? Only on Friday. The Englishman Jenson Button won the Formula 1 title on Sunday from the Japanese model Jessica Michibata - it was the pilot who asked her not to travel to Sao Paulo, arguing that it could take away the focus on the race of the championship. Now, Jessica "gave back." The model is working on a photo shoot in Japan and, despite requests from her boyfriend, can only return to England on Friday.
- She was upset for not being in Brazil and see me winning the title, but understand. Now I said, "Please, you can get rid of work, I see you now." But you can not, she is working. I'll see you on Friday, can not wait - Button said the English newspaper "The Sun".